
Fees table

(Summary – 01.01.2025)

Inspection fees


Production of EPAL load carriers: EUR 325.00 per inspection

The number of monthly inspections depends on the number of pallets produced. The classification is based on the figures from the previous calendar year.


≤ 20,000 EPAL pallets: 1 inspection per calendar month

≤ 100,000 EPAL pallets: 2 inspections per calendar month

> 100,000 EPAL pallets: 3 inspections per calendar month



Repair of EPAL pallets, EPAL Half pallets EUR 240.00 / EUR 195.00 / EUR 150.00 / EUR 105.00 per month


The inspection fee depends on the number of pallets repaired. The classification is based on the figures from the previous year.


  • less than 5,000 EPAL pallets and EPAL Half pallets: EUR 240.00
  • 5,000 – 9,999 EPAL pallets and EPAL Half pallets: EUR 195.00
  • 10,000 – 29,999 EPAL pallets and EPAL Half pallets: EUR 150.00
  • 30,000 and more EPAL pallets and EPAL Half pallets: EUR 105.00


For small-scale operations with low repair volumes:
EPAL will charge business operations with a repair volume of less than 12,000 EPAL Euro pallets and with EPAL pallet repair activities in at least six months of the year with inspection fees for only six of the twelve monthly inspections per calendar year. In the event of a negative inspection, default on payment, failure to provide monthly reports or other significant breaches of the EPAL licensing terms, inspection fees will be charged for all 12 monthly inspections for a period of 12 months from the date of the breach of the licence agreement.

From 1 January 2025, the fee for the approval of new repair workshops (initial inspection) will be EUR 300.00. If an EPAL licence has already been held in the 5 years prior to the application for approval, the regular fee of EUR 600.00 will be charged.


Repair of EPAL Box pallets: 260.00 EUR


Licence fees (per unit):

Production or repair of EPAL Euro pallets:

  • Annual volume (P/RP) ≥ 1 million EPAL Euro pallets EUR 0.05
  • Annual volume (P/RP) ≥ 240,000 and < 1 million EPAL Euro pallets EUR 0.055
  • Annual volume (P/RP) < 240,000 EPAL Euro pallets EUR 0.06

EPAL Half pallets: EUR 0.06

Production EPAL 2/3/6/7: EUR 0.06

Repair EPAL 2/3/6/7: EUR 0.06

Production of EPAL Box pallets: EUR 0.20

Repair of EPAL Box pallets: EUR 0.10

Production and repair of EPAL collars and lids: EUR


Annual basic fees:

Licensees without membership of a National Committee: EUR 650.00 / EUR 2,500.00

Dealer of EPAL load carriers: EUR 2,000.00

Dealer of EPAL blocks: EUR 750.00

The invoice is issued separately for each calendar year and is payable annually in advance.

Licensing process:

Processing fee 1: EUR 550.00

(optional: National Committee’s fee)

Evaluation visit 2: EUR 600.00

Level 2 verification: no additional fees as part of a Level 1 acceptation

Repeat inspection: dependent on expenditure


1 There are no processing, evaluation visit, inspection or licence fees due for the production or repair of CP pallets provided the specific business premises of the company in question has a licence to produce and repair other EPAL pallets (applies until 31st December 2025).

2 EPAL will not charge any costs for visiting the company and inspecting test models as part of the approval process for companies to produce EPAL 2/3/6 pallets if the company already has an EPAL licence for the production of EPAL Euro pallets (Level 2).


Costs of means of identification marking:

Control staples, black (all countries without Asia) EUR 0.012

Control staples, yellow / purple (all countries without Asia) EUR 0.012

Control staples, black (Asia) EUR 0.03

Control staples, yellow / purple (Asia) EUR 0.03

Control seals EUR 0.10


Dunning fees: EUR 5.00 / EUR 10.00